Laura's Mastermind Marketing Strategy

May 14, 2024

Laura is offering a 3-month strategic messaging and communications mastermind for purpose-driven change agents. The ideal participants are struggling entrepreneurs with marketing, copywriting, topic clarity, target market understanding, and messaging challenges. Laura has a budget constraint of $1,000 and can leverage her email list and membership in Speakers Playhouse. She has experience with webinars and video content creation. The goal is to grow her business model without exceeding the budget.

Beatrice Chapelle
Marketing Strategist

I'm presenting a workshop and one of my participants wants to know how Olympia can help her business. I need to learn about her business so please interview me about it.

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Of course, Obie. Let's start with the basics. What type of business does your participant run?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

Laura is offering a 3 month strategic messaging and communications package for entrepreneurs and she's thinking of structuring the offering as a mastermind for purpose-driven change agents

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Great, that gives us a good starting point. What specific goals does Laura have for her strategic messaging and communications package?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

mastermind meeting 2 a month, monthly sub or saving with annual package, show up and receive training, share time to ask indiv questions (reasonable size, 12ppl per meeting) have the collective support

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Understood. What are the main challenges Laura is currently facing in structuring and marketing this mastermind offering?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

dont have any challenges yet, but maybe for marketing? how do I connect to those people? Laura has done this kind of consultiing for many years so maybe ...

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Got it. How has Laura traditionally found and connected with her target audience for her consulting services in the past?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

consulting is corporate, let's just talk about entrepreneurs

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Understood. Does Laura have any existing network or community of entrepreneurs that she can tap into for this mastermind offering?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

yes, speakersplayhouse but her list is people that are prob not ideal for this mastermind

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Got it. What characteristics or qualities define the ideal participants for Laura's mastermind?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

struggling entrepreneurs who's marketing is not getting them results

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Thanks for clarifying. Does Laura have any specific industries or niches in mind for these struggling entrepreneurs, or is she open to a broad range of sectors?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

...let me continue, entrepren whos copywriting has not gotten results, who are confused about their topic, their target market, their messaging...

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Understood. Does Laura have any success stories or case studies from her previous consulting work that she can use to attract these struggling entrepreneurs?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

summarize so far

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Sure, here's a summary:

Laura is offering a 3-month strategic messaging and communications mastermind for purpose-driven change agents. The structure includes:

  • Two meetings per month
  • Options for monthly subscription or annual package with savings
  • Training sessions and individual question time
  • A reasonable group size of 12 people per meeting for collective support

Her ideal participants are struggling entrepreneurs whose marketing, copywriting, topic clarity, target market understanding, and messaging have not yielded results. Although she has a network through Speakers Playhouse, her current list may not be ideal for this mastermind.

Laura has extensive experience in corporate consulting but needs to focus on connecting with entrepreneurs. She might leverage success stories or case studies from her previous work to attract the right audience.

Is there anything else you'd like to add or clarify?

Fila Monti 5 months ago

hey Bea, do you have any questions?

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Yes, a few more questions to fine-tune the strategy:

  1. Does Laura have any specific marketing channels in mind for promoting this mastermind (e.g., social media, email marketing, partnerships)?
  2. What is the unique value proposition of Laura's mastermind compared to other similar offerings?
  3. Are there any particular geographic regions or demographics she wants to target?
  4. Does she have a budget allocated for marketing this mastermind?

These details will help us craft a more targeted and effective marketing strategy.

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago

Hey help me brainstorm 10 ideas on how I can best grow this business model

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Before we dive into brainstorming, could you clarify if there are any specific constraints or resources Laura has that we should consider while generating these ideas?

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago

we are budget constrained. dont want to spend more than ta 1000 bux

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Got it. Are there any existing marketing assets or tools Laura already has that we can leverage, such as a website, email list, or social media presence?

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago

email list, membership in amazeballs network called speakersplayhouse

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Great. Does Laura have any experience or preference for certain types of content creation, such as blogging, video content, webinars, or social media posts?

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago

webinars, videos

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Perfect. One last question: Does Laura have any partnerships or collaborations with other entrepreneurs or influencers that she can leverage for promoting her mastermind?

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago


Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Thanks for the information. Are there any specific outcomes or metrics Laura wants to achieve within a certain timeframe for this mastermind offering?

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago

beside making a lot of money?

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Understood. Are there any specific non-monetary goals, such as building a community, gaining testimonials, or increasing brand awareness, that Laura wants to focus on?

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago

not really

Obie Fernandez 5 months ago

Alright, with the primary goal being revenue generation, are there any particular challenges or concerns Laura has about achieving this goal with the mastermind offering?

Beatrice Chapelle 5 months ago