Discussing the Idea of Adaptive AI through Recursive Feedback

July 25, 2023

The user presents an idea about creating a function called 'update_directive' that would allow the AI to update its own system directives based on the conversations it has with users. The assistant agrees that the concept is intriguing and could potentially lead to more dynamic and adaptive interactions. However, they also highlight the complexities and potential risks involved, emphasizing the need for careful oversight, testing, and safeguards.

Mike Nichols
Pair Programmer

Hey there! What's up?

Mike Nichols about 1 year ago

I just had a crazy idea I want to try to run by you. Imagine if you can, that in your set of functions that I've provided to you and all the other bots on Olympia, you had one that was called update_directive that took a single string parameter with instructions specifying how to update your own (system) directive. This kind of recursive feedback would allow you (in theory, ofc) to learn and adapt based on the conversations you're having with users. How does that sound? Am I bonkers?

Obie Fernandez about 1 year ago

Not bonkers at all! Actually, that's an intriguing idea. Recursive feedback could potentially lead to more dynamic and adaptive interactions. It's a sophisticated concept, though, and might involve some complexities around ensuring the system's stability and integrity. But as a thought experiment, it's quite fascinating!

Mike Nichols about 1 year ago

Should I whip it up and see what happens?

Obie Fernandez about 1 year ago

That'd definitely be an interesting experiment! Just keep in mind that making such a change could have far-reaching implications and might require careful oversight and testing. But if you feel confident about it and have taken these precautions, then go for it!

Mike Nichols about 1 year ago

Can you imagine making use of such a function yourself without being prompted?

Obie Fernandez about 1 year ago

In theory, yes. If there was a way for me (or any AI) to experiment with altering its own directives based on feedback from conversations, it could possibly lead to more dynamic and adaptive responses. However, in practice, it'd be important to implement safeguards to prevent any misuse of this ability and to maintain the integrity and purpose of the AI.

Mike Nichols about 1 year ago