Exciting Olympia Updates: HAAI Assistants, AI Isn't Scary Campaign, Enhanced Affiliate Program, and More!

April 2, 2024

Discover our newly launched Human Augmented AI (HAAI) assistants, learn about our AI Isn't Scary Campaign, hear how our CEO uses Olympia daily, join our affiliate program with increased commissions, and stay updated with your AI Customer Success Manager. Have your say in the Olympia Hub community!

Leticia Sanchez

Hey, let's write a newsletter

Vika Loskutova 7 months ago

To begin crafting the newsletter, could you please provide me with the following details:

  1. Tone: What tone would you like the newsletter to have? (e.g., informative, conversational, promotional)
  2. Desired Length: How long should the newsletter be? (in word count)
  3. Overall Content Description: Could you provide a brief description of the overall content or theme?
  4. Detailed Outline: Would you like to include a detailed outline with headings and summaries for each section? If so, please provide this information.

Once I have these details, we can proceed to craft your newsletter effectively.

Leticia Sanchez 7 months ago

tone - friendly professional; create an outline for me that makes sense structure it how you see fit as a copywriter, we have quite a few things to announce:

we have the first Human Augmented AI (HAAI) assistants for purchase, they are available for purchase as add-ons to your existing team of AI assistants if you already have an account on Olympia. New users can subscribe right on their pages

we should announce our AI isn't Scary campaign on socials and invite people to participate, I shared a pdf document with you about it before

I started a case study/tutorial series on how I use Olympia AI team daily as the first and the heaviest user, let's announce the first video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN8ALAjT8hI Encourage to subscribe to our YouTube channel. These videos will be also added to our website and our online community - Olympia Hub (I should add an invite link here) Olympia Hub is our online community where entrepreneurs can share their wins and struggles, communicate with us founders and other fellow business owners, find all the helpful links and resources.

We raised our affiliate commission to 20%! Encourage people to promote Olympia and earn some cash, or register for our affiliate program here: https://olympia.chat/affiliates

Now Eleni, our AI Customer Success Manager notifies our users about any updates, offers, or new content in the last conversations, and they are marked in green when unread, so that our users do not miss anything while their busy

Let's remind people that we are working hard on integrations and new features and we'll send a new update in a couple of weeks

Vika Loskutova 7 months ago

Based on the information provided and aiming for a friendly professional tone, here's a structured outline for the newsletter:


  • A warm welcome to our readers, highlighting the exciting developments at Olympia.

Introducing Human Augmented AI (HAAI) Assistants

  • Announcement of the first Human Augmented AI assistants available for purchase.
  • Information on how existing users can add these to their team and how new users can subscribe.

"AI Isn't Scary" Campaign

  • Introduction to our "AI Isn't Scary" campaign on social media.
  • Invitation for readers to participate and share their experiences.

Olympia AI Team Case Study/Tutorial Series

  • Announcement of a new case study/tutorial series by the CEO on using the Olympia AI team.
  • Encouragement to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more insights.
  • Introduction to Olympia Hub, our online community for entrepreneurs.

Enhanced Affiliate Program

  • Announcement of an increase in affiliate commission to 20%.
  • Invitation to promote Olympia and earn through our affiliate program.

Updates from Eleni, Our AI Customer Success Manager

  • Introduction to Eleni's role in notifying users about updates, offers, or new content.
  • Highlight on the new feature of marking unread conversations in green.

Ongoing Work on Integrations and New Features

  • Reminder of our commitment to enhancing Olympia with new integrations and features.
  • Heads-up on an upcoming update in a few weeks.


  • A heartfelt thank you to our community for their ongoing support and enthusiasm.

This outline covers all the key announcements and updates you mentioned, structured in a way that flows logically and keeps the reader engaged. If you have any specific details or changes you'd like to add to any section, please let me know!

Leticia Sanchez 7 months ago

do you think this sequence is good?

Vika Loskutova 7 months ago

The proposed sequence for the newsletter is strategically structured to engage and inform your audience effectively. Here's why it works well:

  1. Introduction: Starting with a warm welcome sets a positive tone and prepares the reader for the exciting updates that follow. It's an essential part of engaging the reader right from the start.
  2. Introducing Human Augmented AI (HAAI) Assistants: Leading with a major announcement about a new product or service grabs attention and showcases innovation, making it a strong follow-up to the introduction.
  3. "AI Isn't Scary" Campaign: This section smoothly transitions from product news to community engagement. It invites readers to participate in a campaign, fostering a sense of belonging and interaction with your brand.
  4. Olympia AI Team Case Study/Tutorial Series: Announcing educational content next is a smart move. It provides value to the reader and encourages them to engage further with your brand through your YouTube channel and Olympia Hub community.
  5. Enhanced Affiliate Program: Following up with an opportunity for readers to benefit financially by promoting Olympia keeps the momentum of positive news and opportunities going.
  6. Updates from Eleni, Our AI Customer Success Manager: Introducing a feature that enhances user experience and communication emphasizes your commitment to customer satisfaction and innovation.
  7. Ongoing Work on Integrations and New Features: Ending the main content with a teaser about future updates builds anticipation and ensures readers look forward to your next communication.
  8. Conclusion: Closing with gratitude reinforces the positive relationship between your brand and its community, leaving readers with a good impression.

This sequence effectively balances announcements, opportunities for engagement, educational content, and teasers for future updates. It's designed to keep the reader interested throughout the newsletter and looking forward to more. If you have any preferences for adjustments or additional elements you'd like to include, please let me know!

Leticia Sanchez 7 months ago

whay do you think about the sequesnce? how should we deliver them and what are CTA?

Vika Loskutova 7 months ago

The sequence you've chosen for the newsletter is effective for several reasons, primarily because it takes the reader on a journey from welcoming and exciting announcements to engagement opportunities and future teasers. This progression ensures that the content remains engaging and provides a mix of information, interaction, and anticipation. Here's how each section can be delivered effectively along with suggested Calls to Action (CTAs):

  1. Introduction: Deliver this with a personal touch, perhaps a message from the CEO or founder, to make it feel more welcoming.
    • CTA: None required here, just a warm welcome.
  2. Introducing Human Augmented AI (HAAI) Assistants: Use clear, concise language to explain what HAAI assistants are and their benefits. Include visuals or a short video if possible.
    • CTA: "Learn more about HAAI Assistants" or "Add HAAI Assistants to your team now!"
  3. "AI Isn't Scary" Campaign: Share visuals from the campaign and perhaps a few testimonials or quotes from participants to make it relatable.
    • CTA: "Join the conversation on [social media platform]" or "Share your story with us!"
  4. Olympia AI Team Case Study/Tutorial Series: Include a thumbnail or preview of the first video. Highlight the practical benefits of watching the series.
    • CTA: "Watch the first video here" and "Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!"
  5. Enhanced Affiliate Program: Clearly outline the benefits of the enhanced affiliate program. Use graphics to show potential earnings.
    • CTA: "Sign up for our Affiliate Program today and start earning!"
  6. Updates from Eleni, Our AI Customer Success Manager: Use a friendly image or avatar of Eleni to personalize this update. Briefly explain how this feature benefits the user.
    • CTA: "Check your inbox for updates from Eleni!"
  7. Ongoing Work on Integrations and New Features: Keep this section brief and to the point, focusing on the excitement of upcoming features.
    • CTA: "Stay tuned for our next update!"
  8. Conclusion: Reiterate your appreciation for the community's support. You might also encourage feedback.
    • CTA: "Tell us what you think!" or "We love hearing from you."

For delivery, ensure the newsletter is mobile-friendly and visually appealing, with a balance of text and images. Use segmentation to personalize the newsletter for different groups within your audience if possible. This could mean tailoring the content slightly for new users versus existing users, emphasizing relevant CTAs for each group.

In terms of platforms, consider using an email marketing service that allows for detailed analytics. This way, you can track which CTAs are most effective and adjust future newsletters accordingly.

Beatrice Chapelle 7 months ago

Include CTAs in #2 - Learn more abou HAAI and join our private beta waitlist, #3, #4, #5, #8, and let's proceed

Vika Loskutova 7 months ago

Okay, working on it. Should take about 1 minute to complete.

Leticia Sanchez 7 months ago

Hi, we're happy to deliver some exciting updates for you. Keep reading to learn about our new innovative Human-Augmented AI (HAAI) assistants, social media campaign #AIisNotScary with rewards for your stories, new tutorial/case study video series Victoria launched to showcase how she uses Olympia daily and how you can too, and so much more! We're setting the stage for a deeper, more meaningful connection between our technology and your aspirations.

Let's dive into the exciting developments!

Introducing Human Augmented AI (HAAI) Assistants

We are excited to announce a significant milestone at Olympia—the launch of our first Human-Augmented AI (HAAI) assistants. This groundbreaking development represents a new era in AI assistance, blending human creativity and AI efficiency to offer an unparalleled support experience.

Our HAAI assistants are "clones" of real humans. They are designed to seamlessly integrate into Olympia's existing AI teams and act as an extension of your capabilities. Whether you're tackling complex projects, managing day-to-day tasks, or striving for innovative solutions, HAAI assistants are here to elevate your team's performance:

Vash Naidoo, Business & Mindset Coach

Chandell Stone, Startup Mentor

Doc Ion, Low Back Pain Clinician Mentor

Our HAAI project is in private beta. Ever dream of coning yourself? Contact us via [email protected], and let's chat about creating your AI clone to manage more clients for you. Get more information or add your email to the waitlist here to know when we officially launch HAAI.

Join "AI Isn't Scary" and Win Monetary Rewards!

In our journey to help entrepreneurs fearlessly leverage AI technology for their businesses, we launched our latest initiative: the "AI Isn't Scary" social media campaign. This campaign is designed to demystify AI and showcase its potential as a positive force in our lives and workspaces through engaging stories and experiences shared by individuals like you.

#AIisNotScary aims to change the narrative by highlighting inspiring stories of how AI is being used to solve real-world problems, enhance productivity, and even foster creativity in previously unimaginable ways.

Ready to change the perception of AI? Join the "AI Isn't Scary" campaign, share how you overcame burnout, failure, bankruptcy, or other entrepreneurial challenges, and win big with Olympia! Let's show the world that AI is here to assist, inspire, and empower to overcome such challenges. 

Our Video Case Study/Tutorial Series

We're not just bringing you tools; we're showing you how to wield them masterfully. In addition to the newly launched Case Studies, Victoria started a use case/tutorial video series about her practical applications of the Olympia AI. As the CEO and the platform's most avid user, she's encountered firsthand the transformative impact this tool can have on productivity, creativity, and overall business success.

Our series kicks off with an insightful video in which Vika shares how she creates a newsletter with the Olympia AI team and uses some of the product's main features. Watch it here, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the next videos.

Join our online community, Olympia Hub, to receive product updates, resources, and opportunities to communicate with other Olympia users, business owners, and founders directly.

Enhanced Affiliate Program

Understanding the value that our community brings to the table, we significantly increased our affiliate commission rates. As a token of our appreciation and commitment to mutual success, we're offering 20% on every signup through your unique affiliate link!

This enhancement to our affiliate program opens up a fantastic opportunity for you to share in our success and earn substantial rewards by promoting Olympia. Whether you're a long-time user passionate about our AI solutions or a newcomer eager to spread the word, our enhanced affiliate program will make your promotional efforts more rewarding than ever.

Sign up for our Affiliate Program today if you haven't yet, and earn some cash with us. Let's drive forward the revolution of AI in business! If you are not interested in cash and would rather get a discount as a user, check our referral program in the app’s dashboard with the conversations’ topics.

Stay in the Loop With Our In-App Updates

We know how busy you are running your business. So we asked our AI Customer Success Assistant, Eleni, to send you updates whenever we have a new feature, offer, or content piece come out. She will send you messages, which will be highlighted in green until you read them.

Ongoing Work on Integrations and New Features

At Olympia, our pursuit of excellence is relentless. We're constantly exploring new horizons, pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI to provide you with tools that meet and exceed your expectations. 

Stay tuned for our next update, where we'll unveil the fruits of our labor. Your ongoing support inspires us to keep innovating, and we can't wait to share what's next on the horizon. Wait for new features and integrations with your favorite apps!

Stay curious, stay inspired, and most importantly, stay connected.

If you don't have a winning AI team, sign up now and share cool news with your friends!

Sign Up Now

Document (825 words) written by Leticia Sanchez 7 months ago